Thursday, February 26, 2009


I had my ultrasound on Monday and I have a couple of problems....but when haven't I had problems??  The first one is I have a HUGE cyst on my left ovary. It is completely squishing my left ovary you couldn't even see it on the screen.  Crazy! I am not too worried about this or shocked. The night before I told my honey that I know I have cyst I can feel it! Plus my first IVF cycle I had one on my right side.  So nothing new or scary.  My second problem is that I have a mature egg in my right ovary.  Lets just say my ovaries are struggling! It measured a size 14 ready to harvest! 

They are more concerned about this egg seeing how I have been on Lupron for a week.  This is not suppose to be happening.  So the plan is to stay on Lupron for another week and have another ultrasound on Monday.  Hopefully my cyst will be gone and the egg will be shrinking with the Lupron.  If this is the case I will start my egg simulating meds on Monday as scheduled.  If not they will just have to hold off and see what happens.  Either way I am not worried or freaked out. 

I am surprised that I am not stressing out about this. My old self would panic and be distraught over the results of my ultrasound. But I have been through this all before and am ready for whatever happens. I think what needs to happen will and I will be okay. I just want everything to perfect for my cycle and my Dr. won't let me start unless it is. That makes me feel good! 

Hoping I have good new Monday! 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lupron Shots!

I started my Lupron shots this week.  They aren't so bad.  Just one little shot in my tummy every night.  I make my honey do it cause I just can't!  Thanks goodness he isn't a wimp!   What Lupron does it put you into a mini menopause. They want to make sure my ovaries are nice and quiet before they give me the hormones to produce eggs.  The really fun side affect of Lupron....yep you guessed it more headaches!  

Other than the headaches I am doing well. I have my good and bad days.  I go from being excited to extremely terrified.  I just hope it works out this time.  I just don't know how to deal if I have another miscarriage. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hormones,Headaches, & Progesterone

I am almost two weeks into my birth control and I am dying. The hormone change has been giving me intense migraines. I am having at least 2-3 a week. I finally broke down and called the clinic to complain. Also to discuss when exactly I have to give up all my migraine medicine and diet coke! Two things I never leave home without! I actually got some good news.  They are going to let me stay on my migraine medicine up until my transfer. I however am going to start to wean myself off it and diet coke at the the same time.  They are also going to switch my birth control to a progesterone based one instead of a estrogen based one.  Thanks heavens!!! Progesterone is so much better!! So hopefully my migraines will start to get better with the change.