I can't believe that I actually get to celebrate Mother's Day this year with a baby! I am actually a mother. I still pinch myself at times because I still can't believe that it's true. It's something that I always knew I wanted my whole life. Something that comes easy to some and is a struggle for others. While it was a struggle for me, I think it has made me appreciate the little miracle now living in my house more. I look at him each day and think how lucky I am. How I was trusted by God enough to be blessed with my baby's sweet soul. I whisper promises in his ear everyday. Promises that I will always love and believe in his greatness. That I will try to be the best mom that I can. I tell him every day how much I love him. How much I have changed because of him. How my life is better now because of him. How he make my belly and stretch marks worth it. I tell him that sharing my body with him was one of the biggest miracles I have ever witnessed. He completes me. I didn't realize before that something was missing until he was born. I remember the first time I saw him all I could think of was how familiar he looked. How I just knew he was mine. I felt I knew him before and now here he was to make me the one thing I have always wanted to be...a mother.