I heard back from the fertility clinic today about my 12 vials of blood. And surprise surprise there is nothing wrong. When I got the news I must admit I didn't feel any sense of relief. I actually was upset. I don't know if it was because I had yet another migraine today or if there is nothing wrong with me than maybe this round of IVF won't work either. Maybe the problem is just me. No strange disease. No crazy genetic thing. Maybe it is just like my migraines I have them and no on can tell me why. Every test comes out normal. There are no answers.
So today was an emotional day of just wishing someone could find something wrong with me.
At least I would have an answer.
I'm sorry Ash!
Hi Ash,
I was searching the web tonight for answers to why I had a migraine headache and was wondering if it had any connection to infertility and your post came up. I know exactly how you are feeling, I too, am suffering from infertility but without any reason. Sometimes you just want a reason. I have had the day you had many times, just hang in there, that is all you can do.
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