Friday, January 30, 2009

Migraines and Test Results

I heard back from the fertility clinic today about my 12 vials of blood.  And surprise surprise there is nothing wrong.  When I got the news I must admit I didn't feel any sense of relief. I actually was upset. I don't know if it was because I had yet another migraine today or if there is nothing wrong with me than maybe this round of IVF won't work either.  Maybe the problem is just me. No strange disease. No crazy genetic thing.  Maybe it is just like my migraines I have them and no on can tell me why. Every test comes out normal.  There are no answers.  

So today was an emotional day of just wishing someone could find something wrong with me. 

At least I would have an answer. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Round Three Here We Go!

After a lot of soul searching and finally making up my mind I have officially started my 3 IVF cycle!  Can you all believe it??? Did you ever think it would happen?? 

Well I did call the Dr. and he had 12 yes 12 vials of my blood drawn and I am just waiting for the results to come back. I am trying to be fearless and not think about what they are looking for! However, I must admit that I am really excited and do feel at peace with my decision to try again.  Right now I am just on the birth control...for all you that don't know about IVF cycles they have you go on birth control for at least 3 weeks before you start the  egg stimulation meds.  They want to be able to completely control your ovaries! Fun fun fun!  

So far the birth control is making my headaches worse! And it's making me a little more emotional. But what can you do??

Today I talked to my nurse and got my IVF calendar!  So I will keep you all posted of my appointments,  test results and so on!  

Stay Tuned!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I don't think that I have mentioned in any of my previous post but I suffer from migraines. Horrible migraines. They put me flat in bed. No light, sounds, smells, food, or water for me for at least 12 hours.  Anyway, I had one today. I am finally feeling better now.  But the whole time that I am laying there in bed wishing I could just cut my head off.  I wonder how in the world could I have a baby when my head hurts this bad? How  could I take care of a screaming baby when I can hardly lift my head up? These migraines aren't just once every few months. I get at least 2 nasty ones a month.  I have seen several doctors that all tell me the same things. You are a women that is why you have them. Oh really am I a women??? Thank you for sharing that tidbit with me!  I am so glad your 7 years of medical school paid off for you jerk! My 3 year old nephew could have told me that.  Or my favorite one of all, just get pregnant they will go away! Well, if I could get freaking pregnant that might be a nice 9 month fix. What about when I am no longer pregnant? I just get so frustrated laying in bed dying...wondering if I am ever going to get over these migraines.  

If anyone knows any great cures I am all ears!