Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hormones,Headaches, & Progesterone

I am almost two weeks into my birth control and I am dying. The hormone change has been giving me intense migraines. I am having at least 2-3 a week. I finally broke down and called the clinic to complain. Also to discuss when exactly I have to give up all my migraine medicine and diet coke! Two things I never leave home without! I actually got some good news.  They are going to let me stay on my migraine medicine up until my transfer. I however am going to start to wean myself off it and diet coke at the the same time.  They are also going to switch my birth control to a progesterone based one instead of a estrogen based one.  Thanks heavens!!! Progesterone is so much better!! So hopefully my migraines will start to get better with the change.  

1 comment:

Raychelle said...

So has switching birth control helped your migraines? I sure hope so! I'm glad that you can keep taking your migrained medicine until the transfer, that should help! Keep me updated on what is going on.