Friday, April 25, 2008

Does It Really Work??

Right now my friend K is going through the same thing I have. An IVF cycle with pregnancy and miscarriage. So my question is..... Does it ever really work??? Come on now. I look at at every freaking pregnant person out there and think it is some giant conspiracy. I just don't understand how anyone can have a baby! You would think that after all that it takes to do IVF that it would result in a baby.

Sometimes I feel like I am in the Truman Show. That I am living this life that the whole world is watching and I am completely unaware of it. That they all know that if I just open my eyes, open a door, or turn a different way I will see the truth and I can have what I want or desire. If only it was that easy. But for now I am just here wondering if , when, and how will I have a baby.


Yoka said...

Welcome to the blogosphere. There are a lot of wonderful women out there and I hope that you will find some consolation through writing this blog.

I can so relate to your pain. I see pregnant women on the street and I wonder how it is possible that for the majority it is so easy to get pregnant while some of us have to struggle so hard. I wonder whether they understand how blessed they are not to have to go through our pain?

And if you have a miscarriage after IVF it feels like you even paid to go through more pain...

But you know what: We will be moms!!! It might not be the way we always imagined. It might be not easy.

But one day it is going to happen. I give you a big hug and hope to be able to support you on your journey.

Evecall said...

Maybe this is not what you want to hear, but I really think God has a plan for everyone and there is definitely timing involved with having children, maybe yours are not ready to come qutie yet. My sister struggled for 7 years to get pregnant with her second, finally when she did get pregnant, I was ready to have my second and they were born two months apart. We always say Miranda was waiting for Chloe before she was ready to come. I think stress can delay the process as well, you hear about women who decide to adopt and once they get their babies they get pregnant right away. I definitely can relate to how you are feeling about your miscarriages, it must be even harder when it is your first and second. Even after having two kids and miscarrying it was definitely one of the hardest things I have ever been through. When things are tough, I try to look for the blessings and remember that I am not always the one in control of my life. It will happen just maybe on someone else's time line. We love you and are thinking about you. You will be a great mom!