Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Transfer Update

I had my transfer today! I woke up this morning so happy and excited.  I got all ready, I curled my hair and wore a cute outfit. I just wanted to look nice on the day my embryos would be transferred into me.  I has so happy on the drive up. I just keep looking at my honey and smiling.  We got breakfast on the way up so I could take my last antibiotic. 

When we got there I had to wait a little. When they brought me back the nurse told me it had been a crazy day.  First we went into a private room so our Dr. could give us the picture of the 2 embryos we would transfer. We went over the consent forms and signed them. Now we were ready for the transfer. A nurse took me back to the transfer room and had to undress from the waist down. The usually drill at the clinic.  I got into the all to familiar giant chair. 

I must say that I wasn't nervous at all. I was just so happy to be finally here.  The transfer.  The Dr. came in and gave me 2 Valium.  They give this not because the procedure will hurt or is scary they just want you to stay down and rest.  

Finally we were ready for the transfer. I had to get my feet back into those lovely stirrups again. The nurse made the chair go back and my legs were once again wide open for the world to see.  However, this time I didn't feel so weird. I was to just too excited for my little embryos to be inside me.  

The embryologist came into the room and had me verify my name and date of birth.  The Dr. then prepared me and put the catheter in. This catheter is a long softish tube that the use to help guide the thing that the embryos are in for the transfer.  The embryologist then put the embryos with my name and of birthdate up on the screen and zoomed in so we could see them. They looked exactly like the picture. He then sucked them up and brought them in to the room in this long shot needle looking thing.  I just held Bs hand as the Dr. transferred my little ones inside me.  I was happy.  The embryologist then checked to make sure they were all out of the tube and then we were done.  The moved the chair back in to a reclining position and I had to wait 30 mins before I could leave. 

From that moment on I thought I would be at peace.  But I must say all that I felt from there was terror. I was now scared of what if they fall out.  Completely impossible but you know. Scared that I they might not attach.  Just plain terrified that it won't work out.  

When I got home I took a long nap.  When I woke up I was still scared that any movement would keep them from implanting.  Hopefully the fear will go away soon! 

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Stay positive and think good thoughts! :)